ELAD Network
Is a Real Estate platform with a difference. By taking advantage of the power of fractional ownership any property can be divided into different sized chunks that provide investment opportunities from £50 to £50,000. There will be a monthly return on the profit which is directly relational to the size of the investment. Our mission is to cut the costs and improve the efficiency of Real Estate transactions giving everyone the opportunity to buy, sell and invest in property and gain access to the property ladder with a turnaround unseen until now. ELAD Network will combine Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Artificial Intelligence technology to create a Cryptocurrency and a Real Estate platform that will give everyone access to the liquidity of the Real Estate the world’s largest asset class.
About ELAD Network
Shelter is a basic human necessity. The demand for shelter and work fuels the world’s biggest asset class and generates huge cash flows from all directions. Copious amounts of this hard-earned equity and profit flows into intermediaries and giant corporations, whilst causing time-delays, inefficiencies, excessive costs and barriers to entry. This creates many problems for cross-border applicants, landlords, tenants, investors and buyers.Most investments are transacted through large, multinational companies, thus restricting access to the average person or investor.
Total world real estate values grew by 5% in 2016. GDP grew by 2.3% in 2015/16 , meaning the worlds real estate asset value grew faster than its income. The world now owns real estate assets worth 2.8 times its annual income (GDP). This real estate asset-to-income ratio has increased from 2.7 in 2015 and is continually rising, meaning not only has the property ladder grown out of reach for some, but it now generates more money as an asset, in equity appreciation and rent, than the average wage.Early in 2016, World Research reported that global real estate values totaled US$217 trillion. Our research in 2017 shows that figure has risen. Global asset price inflation has now increased the amount to US$228 trillion at constant prices – an increase of 5% in real terms .
Global real estate is a more valuable asset class than all stocks, shares and securitised debt combined, which together amount to just US$170 trillion . The value of all gold ever mined throughout history pales into even greater insignificance at a mere US$6.5 trillion. The market value of UK real estate is £1,662bn, representing 21% of total net wealth. Real estate contributes £94bn to the UK economy – 5.4% of GDP .

How The Platform Works
Browse through our catalog of properties until you find one that you would like to invest blocks (shares). View all statistics, monthly returns, documents and history of the property.
Decide how many blocks and the value of each block that you would like to invest.
Earn a monthly return on your blocks with no hidden fees and true transparency. Payments from the rental income and any appreciation on the property is factored into your monthly returns.

Control Your Investments
Asset ownership is stored immutably and decentralised on the Ethereum Blockchain. This means that your transactions are transparent and secure.
You can sell your blocks (shares) through our online auction feature or directly through
Peer 2 Peer exchange with any of our members meaning your returns on a highly sought property are worth as much as anyone is willing to pay for it!
Payment is made by Smart Contract or paid directly into your bank account in FIAT cash.
Track your payments and investments through our online platform or mobile app, get alerts via email on your winning bids or sales from our online digital agent
Your Private key gives full control of your assets and payments on the ELAD Network platform.
6. DIGITAL AGENTAn Artificial Intelligence
agent will provide 24hr support with exceptional customer service, creating a platform that anyone can use at any time, anywhere in the world!

ELAD Network is dedicated to using cutting edge technology to create new possibilities. The way in which we trust, connect and exchange with others has changed for the better.Our vision is to decentralise transactions commonly used in the real estate industry.We will make the entire process transparent to give ordinary people a chance to be part of deals that have traditionally been kept behind closed doors.

Buying property can be time-consuming, costly and hard work. Profit can be lost due to information asymmetry between investors and agents, on top of expensive fees and limited availability. Selling is also affected by in house agendas, malpractice, scaremongering and out of contract monetary incentives for agents, which causes property to be sold under value or prevented from entering the market and achieving its maximum potential. Some agents discriminate against prospective tenants due to unreasonable and unfair criteria like married status, whilst others charge simply for access to landlords.
Multi-ownership for real estate will provide easy access to property investment, including long distance, overseas and crowdfunding opportunities. Sellers will be able to sell properties for a small fixed fee from 0.25% through the secure online platform. The Elad platform will provide relevant information and tailored search for real estate agents to save valuable time for both parties. The global nature of the platform will allow for easier overseas rental. Automated payments by smart contract and P2P contact to will eliminate third parties.
ELAD Tokens
The ELAD token complies with the ERC20 standard and will be deployed on the Ethereum network, it can be used as storage of value or a medium of exchange like bitcoin and many other altcoins.
ELAD tokens can be bought with both fiat or cryptocurrencies and can be traded and stored through exchanges like other altcoins.
ELAD tokens will be converted to EQ coins on the ELAD platform for investors to participate in fractional ownership and crowdfunding of real estate. (please see full paper for more details).
ELAD tokens will be inherently backed by tangible assets, establishing ELAD as a secure cryptocurrency for storage of value and a medium of exchange.
ELAD tokens will be inherently backed by tangible assets, establishing ELAD as a secure cryptocurrency for storage of value and a medium of exchange.
We believe the relationship between market appreciation and compound interest will allow ELAD tokens to gain intrinsic value and give support to the new asset class by decentralizing the real estate marketplace.
15% of all ELAD tokens will be available during the Presale with a early adopter bounus. Register to receive Presale dates and ensure early access.
1. Start date:TBC
2. Accepted currencies:ETH
3. Maximum Presale supply: 15,000,000 ELAD
4. Presale token value*:1 ETH = TBC
5. Maximum transaction amount:250 ETH
The final number of ELAD tokens available will depend on the number of tokens distributed during the Presale.
1. Start date:TBC
2. Maximum crowd sale token supply:60,000,000 ELAD
3. Main sale token value:1 ETH = TBC
4. Maximum transaction amount:500 ETH
1. 1st 15m ELAD tokens:1 ETH = TBC (50% bonus)
2. 2nd 15m ELAD tokens:1 ETH = TBC (20% bonus)
3. 3rd 15m ELAD tokens:1 ETH = TBC ( 10% bouns)
4. Remaining ELAD tokens:1ETH = TBC
5. Accepted currencies: BTC, ETH, LTC
Token Distribution
100,000,000 Elad Tokens will be minted on a fixed supply, the reserve may be stored or burnt after Token sale which may alter the available supply.
A maximum of 15% of the total supply will be used as a long-term incentive, to ensure alignment of the founder’s interests with investors, engage partners into the platform community and grow app loyalty.
10% of Elad tokens may be held in a reserve to provide immediate liquidity if the tokens have high demand once listed on an exchange. Any unused tokens may be burned after 12 months or kept for future growth.
Elad tokens can be bought with both fiat or cryptocurrencies and can be traded and stored through exchanges like other altcoins.
ELAD Tokens
- Crowd Sale 75,000,000
- Reserve 10,000,000
- Founders 10,000,000
- Partners 5,000,000
- Total (Hard Cap) 100,000,000



WEBSITE: https://www.elad.network/
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@elad_network
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/elad_network
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/elad_ico
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ELAD.Network/
Author: palmet
BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2602202
Eth : 0x4c9d2338eD2169DEb7481000aE746e2162fB33b7
BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2602202
Eth : 0x4c9d2338eD2169DEb7481000aE746e2162fB33b7
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